two birds on a branch

Birds have increasingly become popular to have as pets and for good reason. They possess numerous positive attributes. Many people who meet a good bird for the first time are amazed at how friendly and affectionate they can be. Providing them with a spacious cage and a diet filled with pellets and fresh foods can help them to live a healthy, long life where you can enjoy each other’s company. They offer a great deal of companionship and will return all of the love you can give. More and more people are discovering that caged birds bring color, song or vocalization, and amusement into their lives. Many birds form strong attachments to people and make excellent companions. Read on to learn of a few of the most popular birds to own.

  • Parasites

    There are many types of parasites that are found in the GI tract of cats and dogs. Worms such as roundworms, whipworms, and hookworms are very common in almost all parts of the world. These parasites shed their infective eggs in the pet's stool and contaminate the environment; some eggs can live on yards

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  • Hookworm

    Hookworms are small, thread-like parasites of the small intestine where they attach and suck large amounts of blood. These parasites are found in almost all parts of the world, being common in dogs, and occasionally seen in cats. Symptoms are usually diarrhea and weight loss. The parasites can actually

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  • Obesity

    Excess weight is a serious health problem for dogs and cats and is common in many countries. The two main causes of obesity are too much food and too little exercise. Other contributing factors can be due to hormonal influences, certain genetic factors, and other disease processes. If you pet is carrying

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  • Mites

    There are many types of mites that infect dogs, cats, and other animals. Mites are microscopic arthropod parasites that, for the most part, infect the skin or mucous membranes. Mites can even be present on birds and reptiles. The most common mites that infect dogs and cats are ear mites, Demodex, scabies,

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