Exotic Animals

Cats and dogs are amazing pets to have, but you may be considering something a little more...exotic. Exotic pets may not be as popular as other animals that you are used to seeing as part of a family’s household, but they can be just as fun, rewarding, and easy to form bonds with! 

Birds, for example, are highly intelligent animals that can be taught to or vocalize. Turtles, if provided the proper habitat and dietary requirements, can be another great addition to your home with their unique personalities. Reptiles are quiet, low-maintenance, scaly friends that can also offer you companionship without all the hassle. Read more below to discover what type of care each of these animals needs and if they’re right for you.

  • Keep Your Pets Calm During the Holiday Season with These Tips

    Although the holidays may be an exciting time of the year for you, your pets may find the festivities a little overwhelming. Even normally well-behaved pets can experience a little anxiety when their usual routines are disrupted. These tips will help you ensure that your furry friends truly enjoy the

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  • Pet Hearing Loss

    Many of the same health problems that affect us, including hearing loss, also affect our pets. Fortunately, most pets adapt very well to the disability with a little help from their owners. What Causes Hearing Loss in Pets? Some pets are born deaf or hard of hearing, while others develop hearing loss

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  • 5 Common Myths About Pets

    Do cats really have nine lives? Find out if these and other pet myths are true.

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  • 3 Reasons Why Your Pet Could Be Coughing

    Wondering why your pet is coughing? Check out three common reasons.

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