various small mammals

Although small mammals are cute and tiny, they can be a big responsibility. If you’re interested in owning a chinchilla, ferret, hamster, hedgehogs, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, and other small mammals, it’s important to learn how to properly care for each of these furry creatures before bringing them home with you. 

Consider what size, temperament, and activity level are right for your household so you can choose the option that best matches your lifestyle. Are you looking for an animal that will take kindly to being petted and interact with you? Rabbits or guinea pigs are pets that enjoy cuddling once they’re gotten used to you. Be sure to choose a small mammal that has what you’re looking for and you’ll love having it around. Check out the articles below to learn more about the general care of each of these animals.

  • The Pet Economy

    If there's still any doubt whether the pampering of pets is getting out of hand, the debate should be settled once and for all by Neuticles, a patented testicular implant that sells for up to $919 a pair. The idea, says inventor Gregg A. Miller, is to "let people restore their pets to anatomical preciseness"

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  • Traveling with Your Pet

    Traveling with your pet can be rewarding but challenging if not enough preparation has been made. Planning will help your trip go smoother and should include acquiring any paperwork that is needed, consideration of the temperatures to be experienced and how to deal with them, and obtaining equipment

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  • Flea Preventative Medications: Oral vs. Topical

    Fleas are not only a source of irritation and frustration, but they also pose a serious health threat to animals. These tiny external parasites can carry a variety of diseases, including bubonic plague, and severe infestations may cause deadly levels of blood loss in very small or young pets, according

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  • Fleas, the Frustrating Pest

    Consider the following scenario: You arrive home from a long flight from a wonderful, two-week vacation. As you drive home, you remind yourself the boarding kennel is already closed and you have to wait until tomorrow to pick up your dog, Max. You finally walk in the front door, happy to be home. As

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