various small mammals

Although small mammals are cute and tiny, they can be a big responsibility. If you’re interested in owning a chinchilla, ferret, hamster, hedgehogs, gerbils, guinea pigs, rabbits, rats, and other small mammals, it’s important to learn how to properly care for each of these furry creatures before bringing them home with you. 

Consider what size, temperament, and activity level are right for your household so you can choose the option that best matches your lifestyle. Are you looking for an animal that will take kindly to being petted and interact with you? Rabbits or guinea pigs are pets that enjoy cuddling once they’re gotten used to you. Be sure to choose a small mammal that has what you’re looking for and you’ll love having it around. Check out the articles below to learn more about the general care of each of these animals.

  • What is an Emergency?

    We all become worried when our beloved pets become ill, but when should we take them to an emergency hospital? Most larger communities have an ER for pets, but when do we need to utilize one? What symptoms are serious and need immediate attention, and what can wait until the next day for your regular

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  • What Is a Spay?

    Everyone knows they should have their females dogs and cats spayed, but what exactly does that mean? The word "spay" is thought to originate from the Old French espeer meaning to cut with a sword, which then may have been changed to the Middle English spayen. Today the word means to perform a surgery

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  • Veterinary Laser Therapy Eases A Pet’s Pain

    Laser therapy is a cutting-edge technique in veterinary medicine for managing many conditions, including chronic pain in pets. Class IV (cold) laser therapy is especially effective for treating pets that struggle with osteoarthritis pain whether or not they have orthopedic surgery. Cold laser therapy

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  • Vaccine Reactions in Pets

    Vaccines are intended to stimulate the immune system. In effect, they induce the response the immune system should have in the face of a real infection. They are like a fire drill for the immune system. As a result, our pets' bodies can have appropriate vaccine response symptoms as well as unexpected

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