prairie dogs in field

When you hear the phrase domesticated animals, you probably automatically think of cats or dogs. But, what about fennec foxes, prairie dogs, pigs, sugar gliders, and even skunks? Although it’s not very common, each of these animals can also be domesticated. More and more people are opting out of getting a traditional pet and deciding to add a more unusual addition to their family.

Before you decide to become an owner of one of these animals, it’s important that you take into consideration the special care it will need compared to other, more typical pets. You will also need to review your state’s laws and regulations to make sure that it is legal to own one of these animals. Select one of the articles below to find out more about the options you have for domesticated animals as well as what they eat, what type of habitat they need, and more.

  • Laparoscopic Surgery

    Surgery is a scary thought for anyone, but advances in human medicine are helping to make patients more comfortable and shortening stays in the hospital. Even our pets are now benefiting from these improvements as cutting edge innovations are making their way into veterinary offices, providing a higher

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  • Pet Microchips

    Essentially, microchips are computer chips about the size of a grain of rice. Easily implanted under your pet's skin by a hypodermic needle, microchips provide permanent identification that won't wear out, fade, or get lost if the pet runs away. Special scanners find the microchip and can translate into

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  • Fresh Breath and Straight Teeth

    Although many of us dread it, we visit our dentist routinely to insure our mouth stays healthy and our smile bright. Our pets also benefit from a visit to their dentist and advanced dental care is quickly becoming more common. That's right…braces for Boxers, crowns for kitties and a root canal for

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  • Cloning Pets

    Ever wanted an exact copy of your favorite pet? Well, now it's possible - but is it smart? Most pet owners have suffered the loss of a very dear and special pet. And while owners would like to keep their dear friend with them forever, very few would actually go so far as to entertain the idea of cloning. To

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